Resting in the Relational Field
A Wholebody Focusing Retreat at the Jersey Shore
September 27-29, 2024
Facilitated by NJFT members
Beth Mahler and Jocelyn Kahn
See what past participants have said about previous Focusing retreats:
Each time an in-person workshop experience is posted by one of the North Jersey Focusing Trainers, I know it will be something I don't want to miss. Why? Their Focusing workshops, experiential in nature, consistently provide direct access to a place of peace and calm within me and access to my inner world that more often than not results in a wanted internal shift and even an "aha moment" coming from my body's innate wisdom.
Their Daylong version of their "Resting in the Relational Field", was no exception. Learning Whole-body Focusing has given me a new way to bring my mind, body and spirit into harmony and is a new, valuable tool that I've added to my Focusing toolbox.
The many years of Focusing experience and knowledge that the North Jersey Focusing Trainers bring to their offerings ensure that participants receive the support and guidance they need. The trainers also offer their welcoming, caring and open hearts, generosity of spirit, sense of curiosity, deep listening and compassion, qualities that focusers are encouraged to bring to their focusing sessions. The trainers truly live what they teach.
I extend my sincere thanks to Jocelyn Kahn and Beth Mahler, the facilitators of Friday's workshop, and Yoshimi Shimizu, another trainer who assisted, for creating such a rich in-person experience for us. The content was informative and very well presented, as were the instructions, and the experiential exercises brought the teachings to life. The gorgeous location of the workshop and delicious homemade food that you provided were icing on the cake. Again, thank you all so much!
I cannot recommend Focusing and the North Jersey Focusing Trainers highly enough. Karin Dubowick, A Caring Presence, North Haledon, NJ
thank you for a great experience at your workshop! You give it a special touch with your love and care for people. It transforms lives! I am grateful to have met such amazing group of people... Irene Sonja Fanane, ATP, awakeningtoangels.com
There are no words to express the depth of my gratitude for your gift of another amazing Focusing retreat weekend. I cannot believe all that came up! It seems I go to a deeper place focusing with you than I do with others and I appreciate how you helped me to process all of that. Karin K., NJ
Eugene Gendlin wrote:
“Your physically felt body is in fact part of a gigantic system of here and other places, now and other times, you and other people - in fact, the whole universe. The sense of being bodily alive in a vast system is the body as felt from the inside." (from Focusing)
But most of us are born and raised with a very different sense of who we are. At times, we can feel like a fragile object in a sea of other objects, an inherently stressful view of ourselves.
As we face the difficulties of living and interacting in 2024, it can feel very natural to fall back into this default way of being in the world, locked in a holding pattern of isolation, tension, and a lack of trust in ourselves.
So there can be a sense of disconnect between Gendlin’s beautiful words and our felt reality of isolation and the resulting tension.
This Daylong Retreat will help us reconnect with this “vast system as felt from inside” as our actual felt reality.
We will be using experiential practices from Wholebody Focusing to expand our capacity to settle, rest, and ground into the relational field that is already here, supporting us, right now. Of course, Focusing partnerships will be a key part of the weekend.
We ask you to bring a willingness to PAUSE as we bring our awareness to the vast system of support that is already here for us, right now. We will be building our capacity to trust our bodily felt knowing, to trust the Focusing process, and to trust ourselves.
And be assured that we will have a spacious schedule that allows for plenty of free time to enjoy the beautiful environment!
Days: Friday to Sunday, September 27-29, 2024
Times: Beginning Friday Evening with dinner at 5 pm and Ending Sunday with lunch at noon
Place: Seaside Park, NJ (You will receive further details once you have signed up)
Facilitators: Beth Mahler and Jocelyn Kahn
Tuition: $350 (includes program & meals)
Housing Options:
A few on-premise rooms are available on a first come, first booking basis.
Available On-Premise Rooms - Price is for the entire weekend, and is separate from the tuition fee (Shared Bathroom unless otherwise noted):
#1 - Shared Room: 2 twin beds, 1 Full Bed - $75 per person
[BOOKED] #2 - Single or Shared room: 1 person, or 2 people sharing 1 Queen Bed - $200 for room
[BOOKED] #3 - Single or Shared Room: 1 person, or 2 peple sharing 1 Queen Bed $200 for room
[BOOKED] #4 - Single or Shared Room: 1 person, or 2 people sharing 1 Queen Bed - $200 for room
#5 - Studio Apt, Single or Shared, with Private Bathroom: 1 person, or 2 people sharing 1 Queen Bed - $250 for Studio Apt
Off-premise Housing:
You can arrange for off-premise housing at nearby AirBnBs and hotels (off-season rates in September!). Below is a list of website links for some local options:
Starlight Motel (1 mile from retreat house)
Hershey Hotel (less than 1 mile from retreat)
Island Beach Motor Lodge (1 block from retreat)
Kings Gate At the Ocean 2 BR 2 Bath Unit (less than 1 mile from retreat)
Exactly what will we be doing
at the Retreat?
To see the full Program for the Day: Click here!
To see the menu for the weekend: Click here!
Complete Registration Form (on the upper left of this page). Provide your name, address, email, room selection, and how you plan to pay. (We prefer payment via Zelle to beth.f.mahler@gmail.com; however, simply select another payment type on the Registration Form if you'd like and we'll give you further instructions.)
MONDAY, SEP 23, 2024
Please note: Your registration and (if you choose) on-premise room choice are confirmed ONLY once we receive payment.
If this feels right for you, we would love to have you!
Beth and Jocelyn
North Jersey Focusing Trainers
Learn more about Beth here.
Learn more about Jocelyn here.
Questions? Please contact:
Jocelyn Kahn at jocelynkahn@gmail.com
or 201-790-5604
Beth Mahler at beth.f.mahler@gmail.com
or 201-214-7898
Please Complete
Registration Form Below